1. Don't compare yourself with anyone.You never know that the one you envy have any unhappy things in mind as well.

2. Don't think negatibe in any uncontrollable things. On the other hand, keep thinking positive and stay at the present

3. Don't overdone ,,know your limitation & have some rest.
4. Don't force yourself too much,as others didn't reinforce you as well.
5. Don't lose your time and energy on the gossip and little things, except that made you feel better.
6. Dream while you awake rather than sleep.
7. Don't feel any jealous or envy as it waste time,,Think carefully,you already got what you needed.
8. Forget all conflict in the past and don't warn your lover about the past mistake. That will ruined your happiness at the present.
9 Life is too short to Angry anyone.

10. Anoounce yourself to stop thinking about the past and start with the present
11. Nobody can give you happiness except yourself.
12.Knowing that life is the school. You come to learn and Problem is the part of the subject to study which come and go. But what you've learn is stay with you for the rest of your life
13. Keep smiling and laugh.
14. That's no need to overcome all discussion. Sometimes you'be to accept the difference.

What should we do::
1. call your family members.
2. Looking forward to do good things to others.
3. Forgive for everything.
4. Give some time with the people at the age over 70 and under 6
5 Try to make someone smile (At least 3 people)
6 What others think about you,it's not your business.
7 Work couldn't help you when you're sick.
Only friends and family who can;
So keep in touch with them and it'll make your life meaningful

......get up, dress up and show up.